Apr 15, 2015
posted in My Life, Photography with 0 Comments

I recently met up with my friend Jill for a Senior photo session in Uptown Ankeny (part of my internship with her)! The goal was to just rock out shooting together, but also to get some shots of her in action for her new website. We scoped out spots where the light would be right, made our plan for shooting, and tested the light with each other (SO FUN)!!! We found some really great locations where the light was just right! We hadn’t shot together before, but a few minutes … it was effortless and such a blast!! We both were AMAZED at how different our shots were, even when standing in the same spot, using the same camera and lens, etc. — such differing styles! Here’s a peak at this gorgeous senior’s session …

11491760_10151969163900927_6410195537308754147_nimg_185010296560_10151968066700927_4960854461933923671_nimg_2057210168011_10151969168010927_1483084888179268765_nimg_2236timg_2171timg_2146img_2091ttCheers! Jaime

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