meet jaime

hi, friends! i am a family lifestyle, portrait & travel photographer who lives for capturing the beautiful-messy-every-day-glory that we call LIFE, for families throughout ankeny, des moines, urbandale, johnston, waukee, the rest of iowa, and beyond!

when i'm not making photographs for families, you can probably find me goofing around with my littles, feeding my insatiable case of wanderlust through world travel, slooooowly sipping an unsweetened black iced tea, or photo-exploring the country with my littles. we love to explore new places together, and there is no place too far!

and now for twenty-two randoms to help you get to know me . . .

i LOVE game nights, snickerdoodles, and getting lost in a great book!
i've lived in 4 states - WI, TX, CA, IA. i lived in australia for 2 months and hope to move there for a bit some day! 😊
i'm studying to become a travel agent specializing in australia, alaska, italy, iceland, ireland, scotland, france, and new zealand.
i love all things snow - building snowmen, forts, tubing, skiing, and snow angels.
i am terrified of clowns. it all started with bozo. 😬
my no-so-little-littles & I are die-hard melboure demons fans -- australia rules footy, look it up. 😊
i dearly love to laugh and think it's a cure for just about anything.
i can recite all 50 states alphabetically in 20 seconds.
i love LIVE music and rollerskating!!
i really don't like pickles (or folding laundry).
i shoot with a canon 5d mk iv with my left eye — both eyes open.
i wear cowboy boots or birks with everything.
i love the words ninja, persnickety, wicked, stoked, sweeeeet!
i often make up my own ridonkerous words as well.
i've been known to make a mean pineapple upside down cheesecake; my quesadillas aren't bad either.
i love summer storms and dancing in the rain.
i LIVE for photo-traveling the world w/my littles - we've covered 1/2 the US together + 1 country.
i looooove yummy light and the shades of fall.
my family lives across the world, from middle-of-nowhere alaska to australia.
every age and stage has been my favorite, where my littles are concerned. yes, even 2.
i am certified to teach english as a 2nd language.
i believe in the power of YET... Ask me about it. 😊

photos (right) courtesy of mike olbinski, ashley hempel, weeno Photography, zak schwank & moss & myrrh photography