school portrait art | a fine art portrait session


why school portraits? i remember my school portrait experiences ... they weren't pretty. as is the case with most school portrait businesses -- kid walks in. kid sits down. flash goes off. portrait is made. kid leaves. the end result -- just yucky. smiles are awkward and forced. kids often look like their is something wrong with their neck. they're uncomfortable. kids don't look forward to them and parents feel obligated to purchase them.

i want to take the "yuck" out of school portraits by interacting with your child and earning their natural smiles. but i don't just want smiles, you see. i want to SEE your child by capturing the way they turn their head ever so slightly inward or away when they're shy, their intense freckles, their bright red hair, those big disney eyes, their giggles, their super long lashes, and their toothless (or snaggle tooth) smiles.

the actual school portrait session takes place at my home and is really simple. i will spend 10 minutes with your child, chatting with them and being silly, all the while studying and capturing their expressions. you will receive 10 proofs via a private proofing gallery 2-3 weeks later, and will be able to order your packages and/or other products directly from there!

schedule during our school portrait months: March - October

  • $75 session fee per child
  • 10 minute session per child
  • private online ordering gallery
  • 10 digital files & print release

additional images available to purchase -- gallery upgrades to receive ALL photos are $150.
print packages start at $50.

IA sales tax added to all session fees & orders.

** school portrait prices are subject to change without notice

want to bypass session fees? encourage your school to participate in the fine art school portrait program!

in this program, school portraits are done AT school! not only do you (the parent) not have to pay a session fee, your school may have the option to earn money with every order placed! if you would like to know how to get our program at your school, simply forward them to my website or contact me and i will email them directly AND send them an introductory packet in the mail!